“In the beginning, becoming sane produces similar feelings as to going insane”
Julia Cameron
Lost me:
It was by the end of my years in high school that I started to realize how deep the void I felt was.
Everyone seemed to have things figured out, and their choices of studies seemed to give them a sense of meaning and purpose.
I had no such thing. I was seriously lost.
Many of the pathways my friends wanted to pursue seamed interesting, but in many ways going to university and attending formal studies wasn’t appealing to me. I couldn’t see the questions I had being answered there.
My attempts to study at university failed not just once but three times.
That was just the start
Seeking answers takes courage, but I knew deep inside of myself it was the only way forward. Life is a bittersweet journey. So unpredictable, full of ups and downs, but so worth experiencing.
I was very lucky to have easy access to the tools I needed being so young. They say that when the student is ready, the master appears and I’ve found that to be so true. Life can be harsh many times, but there’s a force I find hard to describe that has never left my side since I decided to get out of my own way and allow life to take me where I needed to go.
Getting out of our own way is a hard to master skill and yet vital. Daring to accept uncertainty in my life took me to so many new parts of my own self. It gave me the tools to be able to deal with the outside world on a totally different way. It taught me who I am and what I want in my life.
Seeker me, years later